Well we just got home from the hospital today around noon. Thank God! I have learned that I hate the hospital. We all had colds last week first Cole, me, aaron, and then Brilyn and even Nanna and Pappa. And poor Brilyn started having trouble breathing on Saturday and therefore problems nursing too. So we took her in the the after hours clinic on saturday evening at 6 and I thought they would just say she had a cold, but I was obviously in denial. Her oxygen level was at 70 it's supposed to be 93-100 so they gave her a breathing treatment and that really didn't help. They then put her on oxygen and said they were calling the ambulance for us to go to the ER. What!! I have been so fortunate in my life never to have been in an ambulance or the hospital other than giving birth and neither has Aaron or Cole. So this was all kinda surreal. I'd much rather watch ER than experience it first hand. We got to the ER about 8 and they gave her a different breathing treatment which did seem to help. She remained on oxygen until monday afternoon. She also had a fever of 101.4 when we got there and continued to have a fever until Monday morning. The other "treatment" is lots of suction of the nose. You can do it with a bulb syringe or they have a tube that sucks pretty hard and works better so Aaron and I got lots of practice with this. They said it's the best thing you can do for RSV so we did it a LOT. But she recovered pretty quickly considering some babies can be there a week or two. This virus is so common. One nurse told me they have about 5 babies a day check in with RSV during Nov-Mar cold/flu season. So hopefully none of you with kids have to experience this. Once children are a year old their bodies can fight it off on their own. Thanks for all your prayers. It is SO NICE to be home! I caught up on some sleep this afternoon and so did Brilyn so we are doing better.
I am glad that all of you are getting better. You have to be proactive with your kids health these days since the doctors seem to think everything will be okay. She sure is cute,
So glad she's getting better. Sorry we didn't get the message... we DO CARE!
She is changing so much already... I can not wait to see her.
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