Cole and Daddy were "fixing" his car before he could ride it up and down the hall way. Our hallway to the bedrooms is more like a race track these days. And isn't it funny how he is doing his mechanic work in his diaper:) I guess we are not quite all grown up yet.
Cole loves playing with the laundry baskets. He jumps off of them and on this particular day was being pushed by mom up and down the hall. He is at a very cute age right now and likes to "help" with things around the house. Hopefully we continue this behavior:)
Cole and I helped host a baby shower for Maria Nudd, Aaron's cousin, and it was very nice. We are very excited to meet her new little boy due April 25th. And I really hope he is born that day because that is my birthday!!
Well I don't know if these pictures really do the bathroom total justice but it is only letting me upload so many pics for some reason. Anyways we are really enjoying our new shower. It seems like it is twice as big as our old one. And we have a lot more floor space as well. Matt did a great job.
Cole was pretty excited about his ravioli this particular day. He spends a lot of time in this highchair so I thought I should take some lasting memories pictures.